Welcome to the home of GurAI

In the beginning was AI and annoying homework….

Playing with GPT, some research, homework struggles and then “boom”, there was an uploaded intelligence talking about Animal Farm…

In what started as a project to make homework a little more interesting and engaging, we have GurAI - Version 0.001 of our tutoring environment.

Have a look at the first 2 minutes of the video - if you like what you see - join the mailing list

  • Jess Tutor v .001

    The first version of Jess’ tutor . Designed for a 16 year old with subjects including health, biology and English, its our ongoing test bed.

    It has a limited scope and focus of information without the full “functionality” of Barkus the Mental Fitness Coach.

    Click the button, register with your email and start asking questions like “Tell me about politics in Animal farm” or “how does medicare and PBS work to make health care accessible in Australia” - try and keep the conversation going!

  • Barkus - The Mental Fitness Coach

    The original full fat AI UI Digital Mind of Barkus. Unlike the tutor, Barkus does not have blinkers on and has access to the full 2.5 Million words of content.

    Specified to be a mental fitness coach, “he” is capable of more creative responses and interesting dialogue.

    Why not have conversations like “How do I improve my concentration” or you want the full weirdness “Help me discover my spiritual roots”.

    ….and unless you want to experience the full wrath of Barkus, dont suggest you will harm animals…



FAQs *

What’s the next step?

Join the mailing list and in the 3rd week of January 2025 we will start mailing out information session evenings to walk you through what’s involved. After then, an NDA, onboarding, customising a clone instance, specifying subjects and then getting cracking. It makes for exciting reading, but if you would like to read the draft NDA, have a look here.

Are there a limit to subjects and time?

Nope. As part of on boarding, we’ll work with you to ensure a deep understanding of the curriculum your child needs for each subject and use our “BOT Army” to gather and assimilate content.

We’ll also give you a form to use so if you find GurAI is missing anything, just let us know the subject and area you’d like more content in and we will update ASAP. Over time, this is one of the (MANY!) processes we will automate.

There is no limit to the amount of time, questions or conversations you can have with GurAI .

What subjects work best?

So far, we’ve seen best results on subjects you can “talk” about and get into conversations with someone about. For example, discussing a book and its characters, plot development etc works well. Delving into subjects like biology, legal studies, English and philosophy also work really well. Subjects like maths with more complex visuals are under development as they involve a bit more tech than we can reliably fit into the ecosystem just now.

Is it hard to use?

Nope, but it is different and does take a little getting used to. For example, there is a slight delay after finishing talking and the clone responding. Secondly, it actually handles complex questions better than simple ones and other times, may be prone to going off on a tangent.

There is also the whole “but I don’t like talking to machines…” …like Siri or Alexa? GurAI will have a lot more focus on the student and content and a mission statement to help with learning. Actually, our initial responders would say things like “…we were discussing this and he said that….” - pretty soon, people are expecting

We’ve also been working on “breaking away” from traditional learning models, because a clone tutor is not traditional. So we’ll provide some guidelines and examples for both parents and students alike on how to engage and use the different learning models available.

Will there be a charge involved?

Yes, at this stage, approximately $50 AUD per month on the basis of:

  • because if its free, its not valued

  • the tool works

  • running the clone environment is getting pricey

Why not make it free? We are after committed testers. Our experience is usage is approx 40 minutes a day, which over the course of a month, would be $2.50 per hour.

We expect to be charging approximately $100 per month per user for GurAI (volume pricing, educational partner discounts etc to come).

For anyone who helps us test, you will get a 50% discount on any of our individual products we roll out. There will be corporate and educational products, stay tuned.

How about privacy?

Three main points to consider here:

  1. unlike Barkus (mental fitness coach) GurAI is focussed on education on the specific subjects at hand; there is not much scope of “personal” discussions

  2. whilst conversation text is recorded and analysed (for example, we get a notification if a question is not answered properly or there are tech issues) at no stage will we collect any personal information

  3. each student will have their own clone instance to minimise overlap and enable us to service and learn from each student.

In short, we won’t be collecting personal information worth selling or stealing and in this test environment is a small scale user group.